Steve's World Blog Information and articles on cities, towns and villages around the world.

May 18, 2017

Garden Clearance Services

Filed under: Gardens,Services,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , , — needahand @ 4:41 pm

Garden Clearance Services – When you don’t have enough time to deal with your garden and it is starting to look a bit like a jungle, you might want to consider calling in a professional garden clearance service to help you out. Clearing your garden and getting rid of all the rubbish is not always the easiest thing to do, especially if you only have a family car to use. Proper garden clearance services use vans and trailers and can therefore clear much more rubbish than you would be able to with your car. They will also have all the proper tools to do the job and deal with any dangerous waste such as asbestos shed roofs and sharp metal fencing and barbed wire. Apart from the usual garden waste, these services will also take away old furniture, white goods and builders rubble. A decent garden clearance service will get your garden looking tidy and dispose of the rubbish ethically. This is important because local authorities now have the power to fine fly-tippers instantly without needing to go to court, this means getting a proper clearance specialist is best.

Get gardeners and garden clearance specialists here:

Need a new patio? Visit this page:

April 18, 2017

Getting Doors Fitted

Filed under: DIY,Services,United Kingdom — Tags: , , — needahand @ 5:14 pm

Getting Doors Fitted – For most of us the time will come when we need to replace one or more doors in our house, be it a front door or several interior doors. The thing with doors is that take a bit of a battering during everyday use and we perhaps do not appreciate just how much wear and tear most of our doors go through over the years. So it is not surprising that our doors get a bit tatty and need replacing from time to time. Of course it may not be that your doors are tatty and actually need replacing, it might just be that you have decided to go for a new look and perhaps change those moulded hardboard doors for nice new hardwood ones. Now if you are a keen DIYer, you might be able to tackle this task by yourself, but the chances are you are going to need to call in an expert door fitter (carpenter and joiner?) to do the job for you. Hanging doors is not everyones favourite job (even carpenters) because it is never as straight forward as you might think. If all the doors were straight and flat, and all the door frames were equal and plumb, we probably wouldn’t have so much bother with hanging doors, but as generally none of this is true, things can soon get a bit tricky. Calling in your local door fitter will certainly be a good plan and he will solve all these issues without too much problem, he will also fit your locks for you and make sure everything is working correctly. If you need a new UPVC front door, or maybe a pair of patio doors, you will need to get in touch with  a window/conservatory specialist rather than a carpenter, although some carpenters may still be able to do this for you or put you in touch with someone who can. Its just a case of getting the right door fitter for your specific door fitting job.

April 6, 2017

Need a New Staircase

Filed under: DIY,England,Scotland,Services — Tags: , , — needahand @ 5:49 pm

Need a New Staircase? – There comes a time for most of us when that tired old staircase starts to look a bit dreary and delapidated. What do you do? Do you restore or renovate your existing staircase of do you replace it with a shiney new model? Perhaps the first step might be to call in a staircase fitter to have a look at what you have currently got, maybe he can make some suggestions as to what might be the best course of action. You might be able to change your whole house around by moving or switching round your staircase, you might be able to incorporate a new style of staircase, maybe a spiral staircase or a floating staircase. This could dramatically change the look of your house and you could be the envy of your friends and relatives. This is not going to be cheap though, so be ready to shell out some serious money if you are planning this type of remodelling. If you live somewhere like London, you could find that you will actually add more to the value of your home than the cost of doing the job, of course this does not just apply for London, this could be true wherever you live, so you might want to investigate just how much value you could add to your property in your particular area.

March 30, 2017

Handyman Services Are Useful

Filed under: DIY,Services,United Kingdom — Tags: , — needahand @ 3:42 pm

Handyman Services Are Useful – If I had a pound for every time my wife asked me to do odd jobs around the house I would have enough cash to hire a handyman to do the jobs for me. Don’t you find that the more you are asked, the less likely you are to actually do the job. I guess its stubborness (is there such a word?), but being constantly pestered really gets my goat up. It isn’t always for this reason the jobs get ignored or postponed though, sometimes I really don’t have the time, and sometimes there is a specific tool that would make the job so much easier and I don’t happen to have that tool. This is when calling in your local handyman might actually work out cheaper than going and buying the tools that you need. A handyman ….. well, comes in handy at times and they can generally do quite a wide range of jobs and have all the necessary tools and equipment to carry out the work. Next time you are calling in your local handyman (or handywoman) make a list of all those odd jobs the wife has been pestering you about, and you can get them all done in one hit.

March 17, 2017

Time to Get Your Garden Straight

Time to Get Your Garden Straight – With the winter fading and the better weather arriving, it is a good time to start thinking about getting your garden straight. Bad weather, winter storms and months of neglect, may have left you garden looking somewhat dishevelled. With our busy working lives taking up most of our waking hours it is not always easy to find the time to spend on your garden, and even when you do it seems like 3 weeks later it lokks just as bad as before.

Perhaps you should start thinking about getting in a professional gardener to take over the hard work for you. Book on in for a regular visit and your garden should be looking in tip top shape before you know it. You can then spend your leisure time enjoying your garden rather than working on it. Ask a friend or family member to recommend a gardener, don’t just pick the first and cheapest one that comes along.

Many so called “gardeners” are not gardeners at all, just individuals trying to earn some pin money by mowing lawns, trimming hedges and clearing up dead leaves. If that is all you want done then fine, but it is better to employ a gardener who knows his stuff and can deal with problems as they arrive, having a knowledge of what will grow in your garden, what needs doing and when and understands the effects of the seasons and weather on your plants and green spaces.

Keeping your hedges in order is especially important, so keep them trimmed and neat during the spring and summer so that they are dense and compact and doing the job that they are meant to. Don’t forget to check for bird’s nests, you are not supposed to cut hedges when birds are nesting and breeding.

Hedge cutting services here:

February 23, 2017

Finding a Tree Surgeon

Filed under: DIY,Gardens,Services — Tags: , , , , — needahand @ 1:37 pm

Finding a Tree Surgeon – When you have trees that are getting overgrown in your garden or on your property you should normally not try to do this by yourself. While you might think you will save money by doing it yourself you could easily cause injury to yourself, your trees or others if the task is not carried out correctly. Employing a trained tree surgeon to do the work would be your best option and you can look in local newspapers, the Yellow Pages or online to find the best person for the job. Be sure to get someone who is fully trained, not just a guy with a ladder and a chainsaw (who will likely do more damage than you would do yourself). Professional tree surgeons will know pretty much everything about trees, how they grow, pests that can affect them and what is the best ways to trim and manage them. If you value your trees, their good health and how they look, you should certainly call in a skilled tree surgeon when you need these kinds of services. No matter where you live in the UK, there should be decent tree surgeons nearby who can help you.

Find tree surgeons here:

October 26, 2016

Limousine Hire

Filed under: Events,Services,Travel — Tags: , , — needahand @ 5:03 pm

Limousine Hire – For those special occasions and celebrations there is nothing quite like hiring a limousine to transport you to the venue. Eveyone likes to get a taste of how the other half live and riding in a limo is just one of the ways that you can get to feel that you are one of the priveledged few. Be it a wedding celebration, a party of a school prom night, there are many occasions that might call for the use of a limo. When booking your limo, make sure that you use a reputable company as there are plenty of cowboys out there offering an inferior service, which runs totally against the grain of what you are trying to experience. You want a limo hire service which runs smoothly throughout the entire experience without any hitches or hiccups, and ceratinly no disasters. You can use the link below to find the best limo hire companies in your area.

More info on limo here here:

August 17, 2016

Yoga an Overview

Filed under: Facts,Uncategorized,United Kingdom — Tags: , , — needahand @ 10:40 am

Yoga – If you have been thinking about taking yoga classes or perhaps even attending a yoga workshop, you might be looking for a little general information to get you up to speed on just what yoga is all about. Below is a short overview of what to look for and what you can expect from most yoga classes. Take a look around and see what is available in your area.

Yoga an Overview – Yoga is a gentle exercise system that is beneficial to both the spirit and body, it’s based upon early traditions from North India, stretching back in the region of 4,000 years. Yoga was introduced to the west from India in the late 19th and early 20th century. As an exercise method which can be used at any time of life and by those of all shapes and sizes, yoga is among the most beneficial low impact activities in which you can participate.

Yoga can help circulation by lowering blood pressure and lessening a person’s resting pulse rate while escalating core body strength and metabolic rate to help in improving body shape and accentuating muscle tone, consequently participating in a yoga class on a regular basis has a proven history of health and fitness improvements that can really help your general wellbeing and quality of life.

The emotional and mental health gains are also significant with yoga fans enjoying a reduction in cortisol, the stress hormone, whilst increasing dopamine levels to give a calm sensation of harmony and happiness. By means of meditation, self study, correct breathing, postural exercises, chanting yoga gives you the opportunity to enhance the spirit, mind and body.

One of the positive aspects of yoga is that to participate no special equipment is needed to join in, with loose, comfortable garments being all that’s needed for novices to participate in lessons. Nearly all yoga teachers can provide yoga mats and any further apparatus that is required for the yoga session so you don’t need to invest in these items. It is also suggested that you allow at least sixty minutes after eating before you take a yoga session because the activity can feel a bit uncomfortable on a full stomach.

If doing yoga with a group of people is not something you would enjoy, then you could contemplate the idea of private tuition where you can augment your yoga skills in your own home or perhaps in a private room, thus avoiding the distraction of others. Some yoga teachers offer this option as a means of giving an even more personal and beneficial yoga experience one-on-one.

So why not sign up for some local yoga classes and get started on gaining a new skill.

To learn more about yoga and how to find a good yoga class look here:

March 1, 2016

The County of Kent

Filed under: England,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , — needahand @ 11:15 am

The County of Kent – Often called “The Garden of England” the county of Kent is one of the Home Counties and is located to the south-east of London, actually bordering the Greater London area and also bordering the Thames Estuary, East Sussex and Surrey. Kent has an area of around 1,440 square miles and a sizeable population of over 1.7 million, making it the 6th largest county by population in England. Kent has one city in the shape of the historic Canterbury and has many fine attractions making it a worthwhile place to visit when you are in this part of England. Other large towns include Maidstone, Dartford, Ashford and Dover.

February 18, 2016


Filed under: England,Travel,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , , — needahand @ 1:23 pm

Wiltshire – A pretty county located in the South-West of England, Wiltshire has a wealth of tourist attractions that make it a must visit place if you are in that part of the UK any time this coming year. The most famous of its attractions is of course Stonehenge, but don’t suppose this is all there is to Wiltshire, because you will find plenty more to astound and amaze in this delightful county. Be sure to visit Salisbury where you will find the fantastic cathedral and a great visitor centre, also have a look at Old Sarum. Don’t miss out on Wiltshire’s other historic towns such as Devizes, Malmesbury or Trowbridge, where you will find lots to see.

February 12, 2016

Repointing Brickwork

Filed under: Services,United Kingdom — Tags: , , — needahand @ 12:54 am

Repointing Brickwork – When weathering and rot have made your brickwork look untidy and unsafe, you might need to call on a bricklayer or repointing expert to put the job right and make your brickwork look like new. Make sure you get someone who knows what they are doing because it is not a job to be taken lightly, the mortar need to match the old mortar and the joints need to be profiled correctly to avoid future weathering. You should not attempt to do this yourself or bring in a handyman type person who is not qualified in the skills of bricklaying. When you contact a bricklayer, try to get photos of brickwork and repointing that they have previously done so that you can check the quality of their work. Hopefully you should have your tatty brickwork looking pristine again in no time.

More details here:

Bricklaying in Scotland: Bricklaying and Brickwork

February 4, 2016

Paving Driveways and Patios

Filed under: DIY,Services,Uncategorized,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , — needahand @ 10:51 am

Paving Driveways and Patios – A great way to improve the overall look of your property (the outside areas at least) is to put in a proper driveway in one of the many available materials. These days block paving is getting very popular and though you would think this is more expensive than concrete of asphalt, it is actually quite economical. That’s not to say that it is cheap, because installing a driveway is not something to be done lightly, though it is an investment and adds value to your home. There are many advantages to having a driveway installed on your property including increasing the value of your property, giving a good first impression, better security for your vehicles, lower insurance premiums and greater safety for your family. The people to call, unless you are going to build your own driveway, are the best local driveway pavers that you can find.

Find out more about driveways here:

January 19, 2016

Aylesbury Handyman

Filed under: England,Services,United Kingdom,Websites — Tags: , , , — needahand @ 12:31 pm

Aylesbury Handyman – If you live in the Aylesbury area and are looking for handyman services you should consider visiting the “Aylesbury Carpentry and Handyman Service” website where you can view photos of all the latest jobs carried out by this handyman and get contact details to get a free quote for any handyman job that you currently have at hand. Pete will gladly come round, offer advice and work out an estimate for you.

August 21, 2015

Stowmarket Suffolk

Filed under: England,Facts,History,Travel,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , — needahand @ 11:56 am

Stowmarket Suffolk England: Stowmarket is a town of 15,059 inhabitants and is located in the county of Suffolk. This town is on the A14 between Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich and on the railway between London and Norwich. It is the largest town in Mid Suffolk, on the banks of the River Gipping which is joined by the River Rat further south. The town takes its name from “Stow” an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “main square”. Stowmarket received a charter to hold a market in 1347 from Edward III of England, which added the “market” suffix to the town’s name. Even today, a bi-weekly market is held on Thursdays and Saturdays. The county of Suffolk has an area of almost 1,500 square miles and a population of 730,000.

February 27, 2015

Kings Lynn Norfolk Review

Filed under: England,Facts,History,United Kingdom — Tags: , , — needahand @ 10:31 am

King’s Lynn Norfolk Review – The Georgian age endures in most of King’s Lynn in East Anglia, in a range of smart facades everywhere in the old heart of the town. And yet King’s Lynn, or ‘Lynn’ as it is most often called by natives, is far more olden than the eighteenth century. Lying on the east bank of the River Great Ouse, it was already a harbour by the time of the 1086 Domesday Book, at which time it was known as Luna or Lena It was granted a charter in 1204 by King John, and by thirteen forty seven it was prosperous enough to supply nineteen ships for the English fleet, at a time that London supplied twenty four.

In the Dark Ages the town was referred to as Bishop’s Lynn in fifteen thirty seven the title was altered to King’s Lynn by order of King Henry VIII. The church of St Margaret’s was originally constructed in around 1100, and it is an assortment of architectural styles, it has a ‘Gothic’ nave put up in the mid-18th century, as a storm sent the spire crashing down across the earlier nave. The Town Hall, near the church, was at first the Holy Trinity Guildhall, erected in the early 15th century.

King’s Lynn’s treasure is presented in the Regalia RoomsRooms in the medieval undercroft. The St George’s Guildhall, in King Street, was constructed in the early 14th century and is proclaimed to be the greatest medieval guildhall in the country to have survived undamaged. It is owned by the National Trust and serves as the HQ of Lynn’s annual summer time fair. The theatre in the upper area of the Guildhall carries on an ancient theatrical tradition, and it’s claimed that Shakespeare himself had performances there. Both the Guildhall and Town Hall are built of flint in an outstanding black and white chequer pattern.

Map of Norfolk East Anglia

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