Hayle Map and Information

Hayle map, useful street map of Hayle, a town and coastal port located in Penwith, Cornwall.

Detailed Street Map of Hayle Cornwall - Hayle Road Map

Hayle Map - Road Map of Hayle Cornwall:

Above you will find a very useful street map of Hayle, a town and coastal port located in Penwith in the county of Cornwall, England, United Kingdom.

This Hayle map 'zooms' and 'pans' (use the buttons top left of map), enabling you to get a detailed street map of Hayle town and the surrounding areas. Also shown on this map are St Ives, Carbis Bay, Lelant, The Towans, Gwithian, Connor Downs, Fraddam, Hayle harbour, St Erth and Lelant Downs. Hayle grew up around its port in the 18th century and was reliant mostly on the local tin mining industry which has existed in the area since the Bronze and Iron Ages. These days Hayle is a popular holiday destination with 3 miles of golden sandy beaches.

Hayle can be accessed from the A30, which passes beside the town, it can also be easily reached by rail and bus.

Related Links: Hayle Weather - Penzance Map - Cornwall Cottage - Marhamchurch

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