Torquay Map and Information

Check out this Torquay map, featuring the popular seaside town in Devon and other nearby towns and villages.

Detailed Street Map of Torquay Devon

Torquay Map - Road Map of Torquay Devon - Above you will find a useful street map of Torquay a well known seaside town located on Torbay on the coast of Devon, England, United Kingdom.

This Torquay map 'zooms' and 'pans' enabling you to get a detailed street map of Torquay and the surrounding areas. Also shown on this Torquay map are the areas of Maidencombe, Torbay, Paignton, Babbacombe, Shiphay, Kingskerswell and Marldon.

A coastal town on Torbay to the north-east of Plymouth, Torquay has a population of around 64,000 and is the third largest town in Devon, England. A popular holiday destination for the UK and foreign visitors, Torquay was originally a fishing town, and developed as a fashionable seaside resort during the nineteenth century. Originally settled during the Paleolithic Era, the first real town grew around Torre Abbey, a monastery founded in 1196.

Torquay remained a small village right up until the early 19th century when Torbay was used as an anchorage for the Channel Fleet, during the Napoleonic Wars. After this Torquay grew at a considerable rate and its population had grown to over 11,000 by 1850.

These days a popular holiday destination, Torquay has a number of excellent beaches and a good range of facilities. For holidays in the town, there are plenty of hotels and guest houses, and lots of camping and caravan facilities in its environs. Torquay can be reached by road via the A3022 or by train (it has 2 stations).

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