Widemouth Bay Map and Information

Check out this Widemouth Bay map, featuring the popular beach and bay, near Bude in Cornwall and other nearby towns and villages.

Road Map of Widemouth Bay Cornwall

Above you will find a super little road map of Widemouth Bay, a beach and bay located south of Bude in the county of Cornwall, England.

This Widemouth Bay map 'zooms' and 'pans' (use the buttons top left of map), enabling you to get a detailed road map of Widemouth Bay and the surrounding areas. Also shown on this Widemouth Bay map are Marhamchurch, Poundstock and Copperthorne.

In the past a noted area for smuggling, Widemouth Bay now attracts visitors of a different nature. Drawn by the miles of sandy beaches and the excellent surfing conditions, holidaymakers head here in considerable numbers.

Accommodation is available in numerous cottages in the area, the Widemouth Bay Caravan Park, or at the Widemouth Bay Holiday Village, which has bungalows for rent. There are also several hotels in the area including the Widemouth Bay Manor Hotel, the Bay View Inn Widemouth Bay and the Elements Hotel, you can book any of these and others by using the search box above right, which compares 16 hotels in Widemouth Bay and Bude.

Widemouth Bay can be reached from the A39, it is about 3 miles south of Bude.

Cornwall Towns and Villages: Bude - Marhamchurch - Perranporth

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