Exeter Jobs

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Jobs and Vacancies in Exeter

Exeter Jobs - Jobs in Exeter Devon - (last updated 26-02-09)

Below you will find listings for the latest available jobs in Exeter, England, UK. If you have any available jobs that you would like to list or are looking for work and would like to list your availability you can e-mail us at info@mapamundo.co.uk Though we try to keep these job listing up to date, be aware that some job adverts may be out of date and jobs already filled.

Exeter Jobs - Farm Worker -

General Farm Worker Wanted for mixed livestock farm with cattle, sheep and poultry. 07919654619

Exeter Jobs - Centre Assistant -

Looking to start your career with a global company that can offer training, career progression and the chance to be part of a professional team?

Regus are now seeking Centre Assistants for our key location in EXETER. As the Centre Assistant you will contribute to providing clients with an exceptional first impression when visting a Regus Centre.

Key responsibilities - Continuously maintain the cleanliness and visual standards throughout the centre by cleaning the kitchen area, offices, conference rooms, toilets and other communal areas.

-Ensure client offices are cleaned and prepared for new client move-ins and conference rooms are cleaned and prepared before and after events.

-Deliver incoming post to clients and organise any outgoing post on a daily basis.

-Ensure all equipment is fully functioning and fax machines, printers etc are stocked with paper at all times.

To be successful in this role you should ideally have previous experience in housekeeping/cleaning although this is not essential. You must enjoy client facing environments and being part of a busy business environment.

Salary £12,665k to £14,000k per annum

For further information or to apply please contact Helen Ebdon on 01392 314 000

Exeter Jobs - Experienced Nail Technician -

Experienced confident nail tech wanted to work on a self employed basis in a bovey tracey salon 2-3 days a week. I am introducing nail extensions to the salon due to popular demand and would like someone outgoing and professional. must be confident in own abilities and be trained in gel and acrylic ideally. I am flexible on the hours and days although would like to have specific days in order to advertise.

Anyone interested please contact me on the email address first to avoid unwanted sales calls! Email: lbeauty26@hotmail.com

Exeter Jobs - P.S.V Driver Wanted -

p,s,v drivers wanted to driver a tourist land train on emouth sea front for details phone steve 07930353201

Exeter Jobs - Hair Stylist

Applicants must be fully qualified in all areas of ladies and men's hairdressing. You must have excellent communication skills and be friendly and professional. Must also be flexible with regard to hours and be able to drive. All round good colouring and cutting skills are essential. Duties include all aspects of hair styling. This position is for a new salon opening in April, 2009. Employer states that full and part time hour's are available and will be discussed at interview stage and requests that applicants are flexible to cover sickness and holidays at the Paignton salon. This Local Employment Partnership employer shares information about new starters with Jobcentre Plus, for statistical purposes only. See www.dwp.gov.uk for more information.

Please indicate whether you are applying for full or part time hours.

To apply, visit our website, and fill out the online application form. We look forward to hearing from you.


Exeter Jobs - Personal Nutrition and Wellness Coach

Are you interested in your own health and improving the health and lifestyle of friends, family and the general public?? whilst at the same time benefiting from a secure financial future and the opportunity to change current financial circumstances??

International Health and Nutrition Company is looking for a new recruit.


- Work part time or build a full time career
- Step by step training plan online or offline, full support throughout
- Chance to improve your own health and improve your own knowledge to help those around you
- Be licensed to work in over 70 countries around the world
- Set your own hours, work around current employment or family commitments
- No boss, no one giving you orders and therefore no chance of redundancy
- Choose who you work with, build your own client base
- Introduce people to help you and build your own team

Government figures show that over 60% of men and women in Britain are clinically obese! WANT TO HELP CHANGE THIS??

A fantastic opportunity for you to build yourself a comfortable future!

Should you wish to apply or would like more information forward your name, address and contact number to my email address or telephone 07912288342 / 01173039118. CV is optional.

Exeter Jobs Wanted - Handyman / Gardener Available -

handyman/maintenance(15+yrs exp.),building, carpentry,plumbing etc. maintenance gardener,polytunnels,pool,woodland,chainsaw,livestock etc. houseman duties,plain cooking,if required, dog/pet care,security. single male,50,honest,responsible,positive,can-do attitude. looking for interesting full time job with accommadation. own car,tools etc.,rural/coastal location prefered. thanks for looking! colincross33@tiscali.co.uk

Exeter Links: Exeter Map - Exeter Weather

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