Broadstairs Map and Information

Broadstairs map, useful street map of Broadstairs, a seaside town located in the county of Kent.

Detailed Street Map of Broadstairs Kent - Broadstairs Road Map

Broadstairs Map - Road Map of Broadstairs Kent -

Above you will find a useful street map of Broadstairs, a seaside town located in the county of Kent, south-eastern England.

The map is 'zoomable' and 'moveable', by using the control buttons on the top left of the map, you can get a closer view of a particular area and get a detailed street map of Broadstairs and the surrounding areas. The easiest method for moving around this Broadstairs map is to left click and hold your mouse button, you can then drag the map around, to zoom in double click the left mouse button, to zoom out double click the right mouse button. Also shown on this Broadstairs map are parts of Margate and Ramsgate, 2 nearby seaside resorts, the North Foreland Golf Club and Northdown Park, by zooming out you can also see Kent International Airport which is close by.

Broadstairs is situated on the Isle of Thanet in the county of Kent, it has a population of around 22,000, and is well known as a holiday resort, tourism being its primary industry. Its history stretches back to Anglo-Saxon times when it was known as Bradstow. Among the places to visit in Broadstairs is the Crampton Tower Museum, located near to Broadstairs railway station.

Related Links: Margate Map - Margate Weather - Ashford Map - Kent Map - Ramsgate Map

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